
thoughts of randomness and redundancy

// at home... 04.16 pm

I think a lot. I can't help it, especially when I'm alone. I think about random stuff if I don't have a glass in my hand*. These random things are so random that they fascinate me with their randomness and unnoticeability - this is not a real word. These things are really not important; they can be our actions, how the bicycles have angles with the pavement from your perspective, a shaped cloud in the sky or even how you parrot looks like Michael Keaton while enjoying a slice of green apple.

There is a cafe at one of the stops on my way to school. If I have time, a cup of tea accompanies my cigarette. But of course, I sit there facing the way, from where my bus will come. That sounds OK, that's what people do, right? Yesterday evening, I stopped by at this cafe as I was heading home. I went in, ordered my tea, and sat at the table in the corner; table 15, my table. I noticed after some time that I was facing the other way. This was the first time I stopped by at the cafe while I was on the way home, so also the first time I sat at the very same table as every time, not facing the way, from where the bus would come from. I smiled.

We have our moments.

* This is probably something you already encountered through shared and forwarded e-mails, posts, etc. It is a little anecdote I like.

listening to: Cake - Pretty Pink Ribbon

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